Why Are Backlinks Important for SEO? – Podcast review

Why Are Backlinks Important for SEO

Listen to the podcast about my article:

I enjoyed publishing this article “Why Are Backlinks Important for SEO?” in my Medium blog because I argue that backlinks are crucial for website visibility and search engine rankings. My main idea is that backlinks act as “votes of confidence” from other websites, signaling to search engines that the content is trustworthy and valuable. This, in turn, boosts a website’s authority, credibility, and overall online presence.

The article emphasizes the importance of high-quality backlinks from relevant websites and discourages using paid backlinks or relying heavily on social media backlinks. There are also valuable tools that you can use to bypass the issues that come with building links “the normal way”, like QGP. I love QGP’s service because it’s a no risk option.

Are Backlinks Important for SEO in 2024, 2025 and beyond? YES!

From my experience, this is a strategy that has always been relevant and will stay relevant in 2025 and beyond.

I am in the process of creating more articles on this topic, so be sure to stay tuned. Thanks.

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Felipe Suarez