Building backlinks in SEO to your website is one of the most powerful SEO strategies but lately it has become one of the most overlooked one.
Why? because the process of implementing and building backlinks is a pain in the butt. Before I found out about QGP, I thought it took a lot of time and effort. First you had to look for options and contact them, start the conversation and negotiation to purchase a placement.
This can take weeks and you are at high risk of putting your link on a website that is not high quality and will put YOUR website at risk. Also there’s the option of getting them from a ‘shady’ provider but this is extremely risky and counter productive.
Just because of this, most people are not building links and avoid doing it. If you look for places to buy links they are websites that Google already knows about so it’s useless to do it and it will actually affect your SEO strategy.
Table of contents
- 1 A better way… About QGP high quality backlinks services
- 2 QGP Linkbuilding Platform Overview for Backlinks Services
- 3 They have currently 3 backlinks services:
- 4 What’s the unique selling point from QGP?
- 5 They have human writers
- 6 What are high quality backlinks services?
- 7 What does this mean for you and me as customers?
- 8 How I found about this service?
- 9 Where to buy quality backlinks?
- 10 My conclusion…
A better way… About QGP high quality backlinks services
We are all looking for white label link building services and this is it. QGP has been around for 7 years now, they have SEO link building services. But last year they launched QGP 3.0 which is their next generation link building and monitoring platform. This is what I wanted to talk about today. It completely changed my mind and perspective. Now SEO link building services are safe and effective without all the old headaches.
QGP has around 90.000+ domains and 1.200.000 URLs available (real websites with different types of trafic and relevance). The advantage of QGP is the domains and pages they have are real websites (QGP does not own them). QGP partners with real website owners and they have contracts with them. They vary in relevance, in keywords, etc. And these sites are not publicly advertising the backlink services so search engines don’t know about them. Awesome!
All of the outreach to those 90.000+ websites has already been done by QGP both in terms of automation and human resources and the websites they have available are High Google Traffic Websites, on Multitude of Niches, Real Personal Blogs, Real Business Websites and News Websites.
How long will it take me or you discover those sites and outreach to them? Forever! QGP has made the deals with the website owners already and all those owners are interested in advertising so all of them are real people with real websites.
This is where our links will go. WooHoo! All of them are accessible via the QGP platform.
This is called the ‘Niche Edits Service’ and we can browse options by PA (page authority), keywords in URL, search pages by keywords in title/H1.
QGP Linkbuilding Platform Overview for Backlinks Services
They have currently 3 backlinks services:
- home page links: Select from 5,000+ sites. This is a Monthly service fee for the placement to be kept on the websites.
- niche edits: 800,000+ pages. One time payment. The links bought are placed and kept forever.
- guest posts: 90,000+ websites. One time payment. The links bought are placed and kept forever.
About ‘home page links’ service
As you just read, this is the only monthly recurring service. But this is a powerful service because SEO backlinks built on the Homepage of a site are the most powerful types of backlinks one can build. Specially for links built on the Homepage of sites that are relevant and with traffic (i.e. they rank high in Google). Why? because there is only 1 homepage, few sites allow homepage links, site owners are extra cautious and the homepage determines site authority.
With QGP having homepage SEO backlinks is super easy and we save all the time and hastle to get them on our own. This is all available within the QGP 3.0 platform.
About ‘niche edits & guest posts links’ service
For the niche edits & guest posts, you can select 2 of the following insert types:
- Standard backlink anchor text URL (default)
- Google map embed (usually for Local SEO)
- NAPW (name, address, phone, website) (for local SEO)
- YouTube video embed (for YouTube SEO)
Niche edits & guest posts are one time purchases that you can do and during the purchase process you can select 2 insert types.
What’s the unique selling point from QGP?
QGP’s SEO backlinks services have an ‘anti-footprints’ system that protects customers against Google footprints on both network and content levels. This is a proprietary -QGP only- sophisticated validation security system. This means that customers that order links from QGP are assured that the purchased links are unique in terms of IP address, whois data, c-class and they exclude websites that are publicly advertising guest posts for a price.
What’s unique about the QGP 3.0 platform is their “anti-footprints system” which takes care of Content-level Footprints (e.g. duplicate issues, repetitive positions of HTML elements, similar content) and Network-level Footprints (e.g. IP, WHOIS, DNS, Hosting). The platform makes sure that whenever you get an article delivered, you can be confident that the chances it could be linked to another article ordered from QGP are close to zero.

They have human writers

What are high quality backlinks services?
Since Search engines are always looking for signs of backlink manipulation (on guest posts, niche edits, homepage links or any type of backlink) a good and high quality backlinks service is one that doesnt leak any traceable footprint showing or pointing to the backlink builder or the clients. This is crucial to avoid any SEO penalization by Google and other search engines. QGP knows which rules to enforce exactly in order to avoid leaving footprints. This is why I think this high quality backlinks service is very innovative and HIGH quality. All this prevents your site from being affected in a negative way. We all want that!
The high quality backlinks services rules enforced by QGP during the quality process are only achieved by their automation placed through their QGP 3.0 Platform. The platform is an Enterprise-Grade custom-built software designed to streamline this process and make it efficient, sturdy (and scalable). Their system has automated footprint avoidance features and this is carried out with all orders and their writers teams. All of this is only achieved via software. When you are inside their platform, you can notice it is high quality. I found also that it is easy to use and navigate when placing orders or checking past orders.
Example of a new footprint protection metric: Toxicity Score (DTOX)
This metric includes a multitude of footprints that are typical to PBNs and sites connected to each other.
Running it through QGP’s monstrous 90,000+ sites database will massively increase the quality of bulk orders.
Additional checks added in 2024:
TOX1 (Domain is not indexed in Google – often a sign for a Penalty)
TOX2 (Linking domain’s theme is listed as dangerous (Malware, Malicious or Virus)
TOX3 (High DTOXRISK score for this link calculated, classified by Link Detox Genesis algorithm as unnatural)
SUSP1 (Link from a page without external links on a weak domain)
SUSP2 (Link coming from a probably new or very weak domain)
SUSP3 (Possible Link Network – link coming from a weak page but has more than 10 backlinks from the same network)
SUSP4 (Link from possibly penalized page)
SUSP5 (Linking domain’s theme is listed as suspicious (Hacking, Suspicious)
SUSP6 (Possible Link Network – same registrant as other linking domains)
SUSP7 (Possible Link Network – Domain has the same IP as other linking domains)
SUSP8 (Possible Link Network – Domain has the same Class-C as other linking domains)
SUSP9 (Possible Link Network – Domain has the same DNS as other linking domains)
SUSP10 (Linking domain has very negative Link Velocity Trend)
SUSP11 (Sitewide Footer Link detected – a typical way how paid links or “friend”-links are artificially placed)
SUSP12 (Possible Link Network – Linking domain has the same Google Analytics code as other linking domains)
SUSP13 (Possible Link Network – Domain uses the same Google Adsense Publisher ID as other linking domains)
SUSP15 (Link Directory Links)
SUSP16 (Article Directory Links)
SUSP17 (Massive Number of outgoing Links)
SUSP18 (Young domain with low LRT PowerTrust*)
SUSP20 (Above Average DTOXRISK score calculated for this link)
SUSP21 (Linking domain found on Blacklist)
SUSP22 (Possible Link Network – Domain has the same website footprints as other linking domains)
AND 14 MORE RULES (Source: QGP’s Anti Footprints System page)

What does this mean for you and me as customers?
We can rest assured! All the backlinks bought via QGP (just 1 or in bulk) are protected by their system across all orders. This is amazing peace of mind because buying an SEO that can put your website at risk is not good.
You can read more about the types of footprints in their Proprietary Anti-Footprints System page.
Their refund policy
It’s great because they do have a refund policy. Within the first 7 days, you can request order cancellation, in which case store credit equal to the order amount will be assigned to your account. One thing to note is that once an order has been completed or delivered, you cannot claim any store credits. They will provide free replacements for sites/articles that are down instead.
How I found about this service?
I recently was invited to checkout QGP and I discovered their services will help me refer top-notch SEO services and products to my customers. This is the main reason I am writing about it. Their service works and if I did not think this is a reputable company or service I would not be talking about it. Also, they have very responsive customer service, client success managers and even their founder & CEO (Mr Kosta Hristov) is involved and communicative with customers which is always a great sign of trust. Because of this, I am not only a customer but also an affiliate.
Where to buy quality backlinks?
To be honest, I have never used a backlink service because there was such high risk of being affected instead of gaining any benefit so I never bought any backlinks. Now that we have a serious company providing quality backlinks services, the answer is to buy quality backlinks from QGP.

My conclusion…
Well, the benefits speak for themselves. And the benefits from this backlinks provider are the following:
- The Unique QGP 3.0 Link Building Platform
- Access to 90,000+ websites for Guest Posts
- Access to 1 million+ pages for Niche Edits (Link Insertions)
- Access to 5,000+ websites for Homepage Links
- Top-Notch Personal Support
- And of course – more traffic from Search Engines
I wrote another article about backlinks and QGP over in my Medium blog in case you want to read it also: link.
Cheers ????